Ajax Population & Demographics of the City
Population and demographics:
Ajax population is 109,600 according to Canadian census. The growth rate in Ajax is estimated 4 times faster than whole Canada in 2016. Individuals with varying age can be found here. 20.7% people are under the age of 15 and 8.7% people are above the age of 65 while median age is 36.2 years whereas the national average age is 40.6 years. Talking about Ajax’s land mass that is 67.07 km2 with population density of 1634.2 people per km2 with probably 35040 occupied private residences.
Ajax city has the highest black population percentage than any other major city (having population above 100,000 residents) of Canada. Mostly white nationals make high percentage of population in Ajax (52.5%) while percentage of other people is black (16%), South Asian (13.8%), West Asian (7.8%), West Asian and Arabs (2.7%), aboriginals (1.7%) and Latin American are 1%. Out of whole population, 95% are Canadian citizens 7.6% are immigrants, 2% are multinational and 2.6% belong to other groups. All numerical values given above are according to National Household Survey 2011.
Languages in Ajax:
Many languages are used by residents of Ajax while English is a major language spoken here (upto 76.1%). The ratios of mother languages spoken in Ajax is reported as Urdu (2.4%), Arabic (1.3%), Tagalog (2.5%), Persian (1.4%) French (1.4%), Spanish (1.1%), Italian (1%) and English/French bilingual are (0.5%) while 10% are those who have other languages as mother tongue according to the Census 2011.
Educational level and ratio for older individuals between 25 and 64 is as 67.1% residents have a post-secondary schooling degree, 26% have high school diploma and 6.9% have no certificate, diploma or any other degree. Overall estimate of individuals having high school education is 83% have certificate diploma or degree, 30% have high school certificate or equivalent, 24% have a college or other non-university diploma/certificate, 21% have university certificate and 8% have apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma.
In Ajax, average income of residents was $44,443. In this budget, mostly people spent their 30 % income on shelters. Income in comparison to GTA and Ontario is low.
Real Estate:
From 2006 to 2011 in Durham the number of household increased by 10 %. Approximately 99 % of the households in Ajax and Oshawa were located in urban areas and in Durham are 90% in urban areas. Mostly people live in detached and semi-detached homes; 68 % live in single-detached houses, 6% in semi-detached houses and 6% live in separate apartments. Resale price of homes for sale in Ajax is around $814,182 including homes, condos, lofts and commercial properties. All this area is under the region of Durham and average resale price for homes is $391,992 while average monthly rent is $1,000.