City Demographics, Community & Lifestyle of Guelph


Guelph Population, Community & Demographics within the City


According to the census of 2011 and 2016, population of  Guelph city was recorded as 121,688 and 131,794 respectively. In population estimation, statistics  also consider metropolitan area which was not officially considered the area of a city. According to a statistics, Guelph is one of the seven rapidly growing cities of Canada that is metropolitan. Guelph areas including Eramosa and Puslinch has population of 151,984 with an 7.7 percent increase in population from 2011 to 2016.

If we consider only Ontario cities, than Guelph is third fastest growing city in Ontario. According to a report there is an increase of 8.3 per cent in population in five years from 2011 to 2016. It is estimated that the population og the Guelph will increase upto 144,500 by 2021 and 175,000 by 2031. Due to variation in the university population of the Guelph, city’s population also varies.



In Guelph city mostly white people live, according to national survey conducted in 2011 84.3% mainly white people live in Guelph city. In the same report many minorities including Chinese, south Asian, Southeast Asian, Filipino and Latin American also live in the city with a population of 120,545.

Mostly population here has English origin or their ancestors are Irish, Scottish, German and rare of them have Canadian origin in city. Talking about the religion, a great variety in religion can be found here but  major religion followed in Guelph is Christianity whle other are Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. Female ratio is more than males in the city with average population of 35.7 years. Guelph city is considered one of the best places to live in because there is least unemployment ratio and diverse economy.



Guelph is one of the well planned cities in  Canada and was founded in April 23rd, 1927. Almost for thirty years the city remained as small as the size of village but after grand trunk road built, this city grows rapidly. The city was originally designed and planned for European city centers.

Electrical radial train was first introduced in  Guelph city which connects this city to Toronto. That shows innovation and growth of the city is more than other cities in Canada. Ttrain was also used by people and by  Ontario agricultural college. One more innovation famous for Guelph is the first cable TV system in  North America. Same system was used for Queen Elizabeth coronation in 1953.

Many houses in the city are historic Victorian times. Three buildings are registered as historic sites of Canada. Many TV shows and films are filmed in Guelph. There occurs many annual festivals in the city and many large businesses made the unemployment ratio down here.


Real estate:

There are many historic buildings, modern homes ,apartments, condos and sub urban houses in Guelph. The average prices for houses for sale in Guelph in rising due to an increasing number of new growth in population of new subdivisions. Condos for sale in Guelph are also on the rise due to student needs for the University of Guelph.

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