Aurora Community, Culture & Housing


Aurora Community, Culture & Housing


Aurora has a population of 55,445 at present. Overall, population is increasing at a mean of 2.3% per annum for the last 15 years. According to last two censuses, Aurora population is increased by 2,242 people which is a mean growth rate of 0.84% from 2011 to 2016.


Communities in the city

Almost 68% residents in aurora have English as native language. Other languages with over 1,000 speakers include Mandarin (4.2%), Cantonese (3.2%), Russian (2.8%), Farsi (2.8%), and Italian (2.4%). Aurora has major white population (73%). Visible minorities with over 1,000 individuals include: Chinese (10%), South Asian (3%), West Asian (3%), and Black (2%). According to 2016 census, the most common communities in Aurora are English (23.6%), Canadian (19.8%), Scottish (16.9%), Irish (16.7%), Italian (12.5%), Chinese (11.1%), German (8.6%), French (6.8%), Russian (4.3%), and Polish (4.0%).


Average house hold income level of city

Average household income is $106,708 per annum in Aurora. Also, average household income in Aurora was higher than national household average income in 2015. With a population at 55,445 people, most residents at Aurora are above the low income cut-off. Mostly residents are above 2,016 national average income of $106,708 per annum.



Diverse culture of Aurora and its communities are developed by different  people with unique backgrounds in town. Aurora successfully manages it small town charm while managing amenities of larger urban center. The Town of Aurora also features quality shopping, cultural heritage sites, art galleries, museums and indoor and outdoor theatre.


Real estate

Most of the houses (upto 21.9 percent)  in aurora were developed from 1981 to 1990. Development and houses construction was rapid from 1991 to 2000 where 3,870 houses were developed. Also, 2,925 houses were built between 1961 -1980. Up to 46.83% houses in aurora, Ontario have four bedrooms. Houses with three bedrooms are also famous. Almost 7,085 houses are built with this number of bedrooms. Two bedroom houses are the third most popular category of houses which constitutes about 9.88 per cent. The town of aurora is profuse with intellectual capital and provides a skilled, professional workforce and crew. In reality, more than 45 per cent of residents of aurora of working age have diploma, certificate or some sort of university degree which is over ten per cent greater than the provincial average. The city has a booming real estate market with currently over 200 Homes for Sale in Aurora. Over 31 per cent population of aurora is between the ages of 20 and 44 which make aurora a young and family centered community. Majority of aurora’s residents are home owners and over 60 per cent of all houses are single detached. As stated by the recent data, the mean household income was over $130,000 in 2011.

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