City Demographics, Community & Lifestyle of Caledon


Caledon, Ontario


Population and Demographics

Population of Caledon is approximately 66,503 according to Canadian census of 2016. Its population has been increased by 11.8% from 2011. Population density of Caledon is nearly 96.6 people per square kilometer. The average age of this city is 41 years which is basically 41.2 years according to par scale on the national level.


Communities of city

The major visible minority population of Caledon is of South Asia making up approximately 57.47% out of total minority population. The second biggest population of minority is of Black people who makes 1880 people approximately. 7.84% of Latin Americans are also a part of visible minority population of this city. All these facts and figures are shared by Employment Equity Act about minority group population.


Every community has adapted its religion depending upon its origin. 77.5% of Christians, 2% Sikh and 18.6% population having no religious affiliation make up the major community of this city. Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist groups make up only a small portion of Caledon’s community. Other parts of population which inhabit and make up various communities in this city are Chinese, South Asian, Black, Latin American, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Southeast Asia and West Asian groups.



Mostly residents of Caledon have high school education or diplomas. There are three groups of people depending upon education. Firstly, the people who have completed their high school education, they are only 15,650 in number. Secondly, 27.51% residents of Caledon who have got their university degree. The third and largest group includes 9,450 residents who never got any educational certificate.


Average household income level

Average household income of this city is $83,454 which is much greater than the median household national income of $54,089. Caledon has approximately 21,255 private dwellings. Mean value of dwelling of this city is $474,087 which is much greater than national dwelling value of $280,552 according to the survey of National household of 2011. Mean household income of national level ($54,089) is very less than average household income of $280,552 in Caledon.



There are three urban centers along with six villages having many hamlets presenting their unique features about history. There are many parks offering a number of activities like hiking, biking, swimming etc.


Real Estate Fact

Mostly detached houses are present in Belfountain. Some houses in this neighborhood have a historical touch.  Houses and properties at affordable rates are available in this location. Some properties are spacious and large in main community. There are detached homes and bungalows in Cheltenham. Cottages are also present at affordable prices. Bungalows are present in Alton. Most of the properties are owned and houses are rented only on small percentage. There are many newly renovated single family houses in Inglewood. Caledon villages have minor detached homes along with large yard at an affordable price. Caledon Eastern corner has detached houses and townhouses between $300,000 – $500,000.



Caledon Homes For sale

Caledon Townhouses For sale

Caledon Condos For sale

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