City Demographics, Community & Lifestyle of Kitchener


Kitchener Population & Demographics


Kitchener City is situated in Ontario, Canada. Kitchener was known as the Town of Berlin before development of City of berlin before getting its name Kitchener. According to 2016 census, this city with a population of 233,222 become the 21st most populous city in Canada. Center in the Square is one of the well known art centers and theatre in downtown region which is famous for its Broadway shows and KW symphony.



When classifying the population of city by demographics, there are slightly less males than females, accounting for 49.2% and 50.8% of the population, respectively. 37 years is reported as median age of residents of Kitchener, which is below the national average. When compared to national averages, this city has lower percentage of residents over retirement age and higher percentage of children under the age of five. Maximum portion of population is from Canada but German residents are also in high percentage. They account for about one quarter of the total population. Other ethnic groups include Irish, French, Scottish and English.



Kitchener bears the highest employment rate in province 66.1% which is 5% greater than both in Ontario 60.7% and Canada overall at 61.1%. This area has a lower unemployment rate 5.5% than both Ontario 6.5% and in Canada overall 7.0%. The after-tax average family income is $82,000 which is appreciably higher than Ontario and Canada overall. From 2010 to 2015, median income increased in Kitchener region by almost 12% which was close to Ontario and only slightly lower than for Canada overall at 13.9%.



Kitchener has a diverse attractive culture. Citizens from different origin contribute to make its culture beautiful. New residents can check out industrial artifacts and unique artwork in public spaces. They can explore galleries or enjoy theatre events, film festivals, digital installations, sports, cultural events and photography exhibits. They can take live music events and concerts featuring local musicians to renowned bands around the globe and everyone in between.


Real estate:

Kitchener is in the top 20 cities across the country as a whole when all of Canada’s suburbs are registered in order of real estate listing price. Most common number of bedrooms in properties which are listed across Canada is three bedrooms, this neighborhood’s most common listing has properties with fewer bedrooms in August. The median houses for sale in Kitchener are listed at $364,900. Kitchener holds the 15th most properties on offer with 1145 across Ontario

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