City Demographics, Community & Lifestyle of Milton


Milton, Ontario


Population and Demographics

Population of Milton has been increased to 100,000 according to an official estimate of 2015 by the town planners. Population of Milton was 53,939 in 2006 which has been increased to 101,715 residents living in this city. According to 2016 report, there is an increase of 56.5% in population. According to 2016 census, there were 32,452 housing units and 31,325 houses out of these units are being occupied.


Communities in the city

Most of the population of this city is young with 26% younger and 19 years old residents. Old residents only make 10.5% of its total population. Almost 70% inhabitants of this city use English as their mother tongue. Urdu, Spanish and Punjabi languages are also spoken in some of its areas. More than 64% inhabitants are followers of Christianity. 20% population of Milton is not connected with any religion. Some big communities of Muslims, Sikh and Hindus also reside in this city. Majority of population (70%) of Milton is of White. Largest minority group of Milton is of South Asians who make up 14% of total population. Chinese, Latin Americans, Arabs and Koreans are present in a few numbers only.



Many people have got high school education as the highest education. 24% inhabitants of Milton have completed their high school education. Only 21.6% of its residents have learnt from college. 35.6% people are seeking their education from university. 4.5% population has got some sort of certificate or diploma. 11.8% population is illiterate, some are those who have not completed their high school education.


Average household income level

Average household income level of Milton is of $172,543 while median household income is only $120,595. According to a survey, it has been estimated that the number of people above poverty level are 35,199 while those who are below than poverty level are only 2,018.



There is an updated list of items displayed in the city for elaborating transportation facilities, costs of restaurants, rental costs of properties and salaries. The culture of this city is good for those people who have kids and are trying to seek some job as there are a number of organizations of semi government helping the members of community. It is a small town in which rental prices are very high.


Real Estate Fact

Real estate market of this city is growing rapidly. Its market value is rising day by day due to its growing population and advanced lifestyle. There is an airport in this city which can access to Toronto and many other outdoors for recreational activities. It’s a best place to live in particularly for investors who want to invest in real estate and for the commuters who are seeking for an active urban advanced lifestyle. Prices of houses are rising as many people are shifting here from suburbs of Toronto. There is a sharp increase in the houses value previous year with the median price of $647,000.



Milton Homes For sale

Milton Townhouses For sale

Milton Condos For sale

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