Fort McMurray
In Northeast Albert, Canada, there is an urban area named Fort McMurray, with the Athabasca River. It covers a total area of 59.89km2 elevated at 260m having a population 66573. It has its location in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. Firstly, it was considered a simple urban area but in 1995, its district no. 143 and fort city together called the wood buffalo region. In this beautiful place, a lot of recreational places can be enjoyed like The Water Park, ice rinks, rock climbing, shell place, and a glamorous library.
Listings in the Fort McMurray
Now a day, there are 402 to 610 listings properties in Fort McMurray but there is a decrease in sales of property from the last year 2020. The selling time of any property depends upon the many variables like area, market price, property type, etc. but the right place and a valuable property has a very short time to get your attention to Fort McMurray.
Prices of different condos
Condos, an apartment like building but a plus point is this that you can own it and having your own home place is a different kind of proud. As we all know about the expensiveness of buying a complete home in Alberta, Canada, so condominiums are the best options for people who want their own home. In Fort McMurray, you can buy a condo in the range of 100,000 dollars to high rates depending on the site and room of a condo. Generally, you can get a good condo in 140,000 dollars with 2 bedrooms and two bathrooms in any good area of the fort.
The trend on increase or decrease in Prices
Through Multiple Listing Service (MLS), Fort McMurray had the largest fall in the home market prizes in 2020 approximately 31.9%. Andrew Weir, a realtor of Fort McMurray, said in one of its interviews that:
“Prices are decreasing so rapidly that we are more in accordance with communities in the outer areas of Alberta.”
The prices in the fort are now too affordable for buyers in Fort McMurray, Canada. This fall is because of the decline in petroleum market dynamics, as we all know its specialty of the major oil-producing areas of Canada.
Different costs of buying a condo
Many people think that they only have to pay for a property and ignore the other expenses required for owning your home the first time. You have to ensure about all the perspectives about your purchasing and it involves down payment, land transfer tax, Appraisal fee, home inspection, mortgage insurance, property taxes, and lawyer costs. The only reason for mentioning these things is to prepare your pocket and mind to own your place in Fort McMurray.
Best places to buy a condo in City
King Street, Gordon Avenue, Abasand Drive, Fraser Avenue, Clearwater Drive, Signal Road, Morrison Street, Grosbeak Way, Gregoire Drive Unit, Crescent Heights, Timberline Drive, Dafoe Way, and Millennium Gate are the best and beautiful places for buying a condo in Fort McMurray.